Institut für Statistik




Programm der vorherigen Semester

Programm im Wintersemester 23/24:

Variational Inference for Cutting Feedback in Misspecified Models Freitag, 03.11.2023,
13.00 c.t.
Michael Smith
Melbourne Business School
Active learning-assisted neutron spectroscopy with log-Gaussian processes Mittwoch, 08.11.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Mario Teixeira Parente
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Finite-sample exact prediction bands for functional data Montag, 20.11.2023,
15.00 s.t.
Simone Vantini
Polytechnic University of Milan
The power of prediction Montag, 27.11.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Moritz Hardt
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen
AutoML for tabular datasets and tabular datasets for AutoML Mittwoch, 06.12.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Matthias Feurer
Institut für Statistik, LMU
In Search of Alignment between Social Media Posts and Survey Responses Donnerstag, 14.12.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Frederick Conrad
Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science
From Couch to Poll: Media Content and the
Value of Local Information
Mittwoch, 10.01.2024, 16.00 c.t. Mathias Bühler
Department of Statistics, LMU
Large-scale pretraining: the nitty-gritty details neuer Termin: Mittwoch, 21.02.2024,
14.00 c.t.
Robert Baldock
Aleph Alpha
Use Case for Bayesian Deep Learning in the age of ChatGPT Mittwoch, 28.02.2024,
16.00 c.t.
Vincent Fortuin
Helmholtz AI

Programm im Sommersemester 2023:

Deriving interpretable thresholds for variable importance in random forests by permutation Mittwoch, 10.05.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Maria Blanco, Tim Müller, Laura Schlieker, Armin Ott, Hannes Buchner
Staburo GmbH, München
Fusing Statistics and Machine Learning Mittwoch, 31.05.2023,
16.00 c.t.
David Rügamer
Institut für Statistik, LMU
V-Statistics and Variance Estimation: Inference for Random Forests and Other Ensembles Donnerstag, 01.06.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Giles Hooker
University of California, Berkeley
Generalized Data Thinning Using Sufficient Statistics Montag, 12.06.2023,
15.00 s.t.
Jacob Bien
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
New data, new questions, new problems? Online behavioral data in social science research Mittwoch, 14.06.2023,
16.00 c.t. (nur online)
Ruben L. Bach
Universität Mannheim
Rank-based support vector machines for highly imbalanced data using nominated samples Mittwoch, 21.06.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Mohammad Jafari Jozani
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Kanada
Implicit models, latent compression, intrinsic biases, and cheap lunches in community detection in networks Mittwoch, 28.06.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Tiago de Paula Peixoto
Central European University, Wien
Challenges in modern statistical network analysis: Data collection and covariate effect assessment Donnerstag, 13.07.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Cornelius Fritz
Pennsylvania State University
Mean field variational Bayes for finite mixture of random coefficients models Donnerstag, 27.07.2023,
10.00 s.t.
Anoop Chaturvedi
University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, Indien
StatTag and StatWrap for Conducting Collaborative Research Donnerstag, 28.09.2023,
10.00 c.t.
Leah J. Welty
Northwestern University, Chicago

Programm im Wintersemester 22/23:

Decision Making under Complex Information with Applications to Statistics and Machine Learning Mittwoch, 19.10.2022,
16.00 c.t.
Christoph Jansen
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Current Research Projects in the Statistics and Econometrics Group Mittwoch, 16.11.2022,
16.00 c.t.
Daniel Wilhelm
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Testing for Global Covariate Effects in Dynamic Interaction Event Networks Mittwoch, 30.11.2022,
16.00 c.t.
Alexander Kreiß
Universität Leipzig
Collaborative real-time modelling during the COVID-19 pandemic Mittwoch, 21.12.2022,
16.00 c.t.
Johannes Bracher
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
E is the new P Dienstag, 10.01.2023,
17.00 c.t.
Rianne de Heide
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
An interpretable machine learning workflow for statistical inference Mittwoch, 25.01.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Andreas Joseph
Bank of England, London
Benchmarking in the social sciences Mittwoch, 01.02.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Paulina Pankowska
Universiteit Utrecht
The Generalized Linear Mixed Model Leading Terms Mittwoch, 08.02.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Matt Wand
University of Technology Sydney
Assessing goodness of fit for network models Mittwoch, 15.02.2023,
16.00 c.t.                                   
Gesine Reinert
University of Oxford  
Modeling biomarker ratios with gamma distributed components Mittwoch, 22.03.2023,
16.00 c.t.
Matthias Schmid
Universität Bonn

Programm im Sommersemester 2022:

Instrumental Variable Approaches To Individualized Treatment Regimes Under A Counterfactual World Dienstag, 03.05.2022,
14.00 c.t.
Yifan Cui
National University of Singapore
Detecting parameter heterogeneity in psychometric models by means of model-based recursive partitioning with psychotree, stablelearner & co. Mittwoch, 04.05.2022,
17.30 s.t.
Carolin Strobl
Universität Zürich  
Surprises in topic model estimation and new Wasserstein document-distance calculations Mittwoch, 11.05.2022,
16.00 c.t.
Florentina Bunea
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Data 4 Policy: Towards a Data Culture Mittwoch, 18.05.2022,
16.00 c.t.
(Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1, B 201)

Meeting-ID: 942-6899-3687
Passwort: 630870

Walter J. Radermacher
Institut für Statistik, LMU

Uncertainty, Networks and Statistical Modelling Mittwoch, 01.06.2022,
16.00 c.t.                                                        
Lehrstuhl für Statistik und ihre
Anwendungen in Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

(Göran Kauermann)
On the Difficulty of Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning: The Case of Direct Uncertainty Estimation through Loss Minimisation    Mittwoch, 08.06.2022,
16.00 c.t.
Viktor Bengs
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Knowledge Cascade: Reverse Knowledge Distillation Dienstag, 14.06.2022,
15.00 s.t.
Ping Ma
University of Georgia
Does Rising Inequality Reduce Social Cohesion? New Results Using Hybrid Multilevel Regression Models and Four Decades of Repeated Surveys in 32 Countries Mittwoch, 15.06.2022,
16.00 c.t. (nur online)

Markus Gangl
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
State space models as a flexible framework for monitoring epidemics Donnerstag, 23.06.2022,
16.00 c.t.
Stefan Heyder, Thomas Hotz
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Predicting macroeconomic indicators from online activity data: a case study Mittwoch, 29.06.2022,
16.00 c.t.   
Maria Eduarda Silva
Universität Porto
Some Ideas for Causal Inference with Continuous Multiple Time Point Interventions Mittwoch, 06.07.2022,
16.00 c.t.
Michael Schomaker
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Functional data methods for wearable device data Dienstag, 12.07.2022,
17.30 s.t.
Jeff Goldsmith
Columbia University, New York
Combining experimental and population data to estimate population treatment effects Mittwoch, 13.07.2022,
16.00 s.t. (nur online)
Elizabeth Stuart
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore
On vine copulas and uncertainty Mittwoch, 20.07.2022,
17.00 c.t.
Thomas Nagler
Institut für Statistik, LMU

Programm im Wintersemester 21/22:

A marked Hawkes process for modeling and detecting fake news on social media Mittwoch, 20.10.2021,  
16.00 c.t.                                                   
Stefan Feuerriegel
Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft, LMU      
Testing Probabilities Oracles Mittwoch, 03.11.2021,
16.00 c.t. (nur online)
Timo von Oertzen
Universität der Bundeswehr München
How To Develop Data Science Products at Scale Donnerstag, 04.11.2021,
11.00 s.t. (nur online)
René Traue, Christian Lindenlaub
GfK, Nürnberg
Learning from Weakly Structured Information
Mittwoch, 01.12.2021,
16.00 c.t. (nur online)
Method(olog)ische Grundlagen der Statistik und ihre Anwendungen
(Thomas Augustin)
Science of Data - or what we think about when we worry about data quality Mittwoch, 12.01.2022,
16.00 c.t. (nur online)
Statistics and Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities
(Frauke Kreuter)
Measurement error in social research Mittwoch, 19.01.2022,
16.00 c.t. (nur online)
Daniel L. Oberski
Universität Utrecht
The Statistical Consulting Unit StaBLab at LMU - Selected Examples of Current Research Projects Mittwoch, 26.01.2022,
16.00 c.t. (nur online)
Statistisches Beratungslabor (StaBLab)
(Helmut Küchenhoff)
The Statistical Learning and Data Science Group - Selected Topics from Research and Applications Mittwoch, 02.02.2022,
16.00 c.t. (nur online)
Statistical Learning and Data Science
(Bernd Bischl)
The Working Group on Methods for Missing Data, Model Selection and Model Averaging - Research Topics and Applications Mittwoch, 09.02.2022,
16.00 c.t. (nur online)
Methods for Missing Data, Model Selection and Model Averaging
(Christian Heumann)

Programm im Sommersemester 2021:

scikit-fda: Functional Data Analysis in Python Mittwoch, 14.04.2021,    
16.00 c.t.
Carlos Ramos Carreño
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid      
One year of daily tracking: Partnering with a global platform to inform research and public policy making on COVID-19 Mittwoch, 21.04.2021,
Frauke Kreuter
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Can We Open the Black Box of Deep Neural Networks? - An Information Theoretic Approach to Validate Deep Learning-Based Algorithms
Mittwoch, 19.05.2021,
15.00 s.t.
Gitta Kutyniok
Mathematisches Institut, LMU
The Importance of Spillovers Mittwoch, 23.06.2021,
16.00 c.t.
Dirk Baur
The University of Western Australia, Perth
Fairness in AI (automated) Decision Making Mittwoch, 30.06.2021,
16.00 c.t.
Frauke Kreuter, Christoph Kern
Institut für Statistik, LMU;
Universität Mannheim
Analyzing and Learning from Ranking Data: New Problems and Challenges Mittwoch, 14.07.2021,
16.00 c.t.
Eyke Hüllermeier
Institut für Informatik, LMU
Accounting for reporting uncertainty, new variants and vaccinations when estimating the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 in 15 European countries Mittwoch, 21.07.2021,
16.00 c.t.
Sabine Hoffmann
Statistics in open replicable science, and open replicable statistical science Mittwoch, 22.09.2021,
16.00 c.t.
Anne-Laure Boulesteix

Programm im Wintersemester 20/21:

Multiaccurate Predictors Under Distributional Shifts Mittwoch, 18.11.2020,
16.00 c.t.                     
Christoph Kern
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Beyond traditional assumptions in fair machine learning
Mittwoch, 09.12.2020,
16.00 c.t.
Niki Kilbertus
HelmholtzAI, München
Heterogeneity of Beliefs and Information Rigidity in the Crude Oil Market: Evidence from Survey Data Mittwoch, 16.12.2020,
16.00 c.t.
Robert Czudaj
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Flexible domain prediction of continuous and count outcomes using unit level quantile random effects regression Mittwoch, 13.01.2021,
16.00 c.t.
Timo Schmid
Freie Universität Berlin                     
Testing relevant hypotheses in functional time series via self-normalization Mittwoch, 03.02.2021,
16.00 s.t.
Holger Dette
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Programm im Sommersemester 2020:

Integrating Probability and Nonprobability Surveys: A Bayesian Approach Mittwoch, 03.06.2020,   
16.00 c.t.
Joseph Sakshaug
Institut für Statistik, LMU;
IAB Nürnberg
Lower bound for true incidence of infections based on official case numbers during a COVID outbreak in Germany 2020 Mittwoch, 17.06.2020,
16.00 s.t.
Ralph Brinks, Annika Hoyer
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany Mittwoch, 08.07.2020,
16.00 c.t.
COVID-19 Data Analysis Group@LMU
A meta-analysis of individual, aggregated and incomplete aggregated data Mittwoch, 29.07.2020, 
16.00 s.t.
Reinhard Vonthein
Institut für Statistik, LMU

Programm im Wintersemester 19/20:

Regression and graphical model learning for compositional data - with applications to microbiome data Mittwoch, 06.11.2019,
16.00 s.t.
(Schellingstr. 3, S 006)            
Christian Müller
Institut für Statistik, LMU                           
Maschinelles Lernen und amtliche Statistik? Mittwoch, 20.11.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Florian Dumpert
Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden              
Approaches for sharing information between heterogeneous patient subgroups in sparse Cox models Mittwoch, 27.11.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Katrin Madjar
Institut für Statistik, LMU  
On the degrees of freedom of a smoothing parameter Mittwoch, 04.12.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Benjamin Säfken
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Score matching for graphical models Mittwoch, 18.12.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Mathias Drton
Technische Universität München
Bringing Research Design Back In Mittwoch, 08.01.2020,
16.00 c.t.
(Konradstr. 6, Raum 309)
Ulrich Kohler
Universität Potsdam
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Earth Observation Mittwoch, 15.01.2020,
16.00 s.t.
Xiaoxiang Zhu
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Statistical and Computational Challenges in Probabilistic Ensemble Forecasting for Infectious Disease Mittwoch, 22.01.2020,
16.00 s.t.
Nicholas G. Reich
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
mlr3 - A new framework for machine learning with R Mittwoch, 29.01.2020,
16.00 c.t.
Michel Lang
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Semi-Structured Deep Distributional Learning Mittwoch, 26.02.2020,
16.00 s.t.
David Rügamer
Institut für Statistik, LMU

Programm im Sommersemester 2019:

Immigration and Support for the Welfare State: How to Do Replication in the Social Sciences? Mittwoch, 08.05.2019,
16.00 c.t.
(Schellingstr. 3, S 006)
Katrin Auspurg, Josef Brüderl                            
Institut für Soziologie, LMU              
Online data challenges, disrupters and facilitators for grant-based clinical risk prediction research Mittwoch, 22.05.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Donna Ankerst
Technische Universität München
New approaches for the modeling of competing risks in discrete time Mittwoch, 12.06.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Moritz Berger
Vertretungsprofessur Institut für Statistik, LMU
Matrix-Free Algorithms for Smoothing Large Data Sets Mittwoch, 19.06.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Julian Wagner
Vertretungsprofessur Institut für Statistik, LMU
Bayesian modelling of treatment effects on panel outcomes Montag, 24.06.2019,
14.30 s.t.
Helga Wagner
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Aktuelle Probleme der Kalibrierung und kohärenten Schätzung Mittwoch, 03.07.2019,
16.00 c.t.
(Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1, M 001)
Ralf Münnich
Universität Trier
Learning good research practices the hard way: a reproducibility study in the class room Mittwoch, 10.07.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Heidi Seibold
Vertretungsprofessur Institut für Statistik, LMU
Kaggle-in-class Data Challenges Can Boost Student Learning Mittwoch, 17.07.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Julia Polak
University of Melbourne
Overview of Masters Research (Analytics Application to the Insurability of Chronic Conditions) Donnerstag, 18.07.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Lee Sarkin
Munich Re Data Analytics, Singapur

Programm im Wintersemester 2018/19:

A semi-parametric model for the meta-analysis of diagnostic tests accounting for multiple thresholds Mittwoch, 07.11.2018,        
16.00 s.t.                                  
Annika Hoyer
Vertretungsprofessur Institut für Statistik, LMU
Spatial Conditional Overdispersed Bayesian Model Proposals Mittwoch, 28.11.2018,
16.00 s.t.
Vicente A. Núñez-Anton
Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao
Linear Discriminant Analysis with High-dimensional Spatial Data Montag, 17.12.2018,
11.00 s.t.
Taps Maiti
Michigan State University
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Dienstag, 15.01.2019,
14.00 s.t.
Aldo Faisal
Imperial College London
Statistical Postprocessing of Numerical Weather Predictions Mittwoch, 23.01.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Thorsten Simon
Universität Innsbruck
Multi-state models in chronic disease epidemiology Mittwoch, 30.01.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Ralph Brinks
Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum, Universität Düsseldorf
A relational approach in classification, subgroup discovery and statistical data analysis Mittwoch, 13.02.2019,
16.00 s.t.
Georg Schollmeyer
Institut für Statistik, LMU
Streaming from a smartphone application: a new approach using mHealth and data-driven analyses to map health during travel Mittwoch, 13.03.2019,
09.00 s.t.
Andrea Farnham
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel

Programm im Sommersemester 2018:

Superstar Economists: Coauthorship networks and research output Mittwoch, 18.04.2018,          
16.00 s.t.                                                           
Michael König
University of Zurich
Kernel-based short-term forecasting of trending seasonal time series Mittwoch, 02.05.2018,
16.00 s.t.
Joachim Schnurbus
(Vertretungsprofessur Institut für Statistik, LMU)
Parameter estimation from coarse data: on different theoretical assumptions and their practical implications Montag, 07.05.2018,
14.00 s.t.
Inés Couso
Universidad de Oviedo
Sequential detection of structural changes in irregularly observed data Mittwoch, 09.05.2018,
17.20 s.t.
Tobias Kley
HU Berlin
Forecasting infectious disease epidemics via weighted density ensembles Montag, 14.05.2018,
16.00 s.t.
Nicholas Reich
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Tree-Based Conditional Portfolio Sorts: The Relation Between Past and Future Stock Returns Mittwoch, 23.05.2018,
16.00 s.t.
Benjamin MoritzInstitut für Statistik, LMU
Surveys, "Big Data", and Machine Learning: Bringing Methods together to Solve Difficult Problems at Scale Mittwoch, 13.06.2018,
17.00 s.t.
Curtiss Cobb
Survey Scientist and Manager, Demography and Survey Science Group, Facebook
A Multilayer ERGM framework for weighted networks Freitag, 22.06.2018,
16.00 s.t.
Alberto Caimo
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Statistical Inference for Discretely Observed Markov Processes, With Application to Credit Rating Transitions Mittwoch, 11.07.2018,
16.00 s.t.
Marius Pfeuffer
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Programm im Wintersemester 2017/18:

Statistische Modelle bei der Analyse von sensorischen Daten am Beispiel Ebergeruch Mittwoch, 21.09.2017,
16.00 s.t.                                                                                     
Jan Gertheiss
(Technische Universität Clausthal)
Reproducibility of Statistical Tests

Mittwoch, 07.11.2017,

Frank Coolen
(Durham University)
The Deep Forest and its Modifications
Mittwoch, 08.11.2017,
10.15 (Alte Bibliothek)
Lev Utkin
(Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University)
Adaptive Smoothing with an Application to Nonlinear Panel Data and the Incidental Parameter Problem Mittwoch, 08.11.2017,
16.00 s.t.
Martin Spindler
(Universität Hamburg)
Kontrollkarten zur Detektion abrupter Änderungen in Signalen mit zeitabhängigem Trend Mittwoch, 06.12.2017,
16.00 s.t.
Sermad Abbas
(TU Dortmund)
Antrittsvorlesung Mittwoch, 10.01.2018,
16.00 s.t.
(Professor-Huber-Platz 2, V005)
Moritz Grosse-Wentrup
(LMU Munich)
Die Statistik(abteilung) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit: Das unbekannte Wesen? Mittwoch, 15.01.2018,
10.15 (Seminarraum)
Rainer Hahn
(Stellvertretender Leiter der Statistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
Model-Based Recursive Partitioning for Stratified and Personalised Medicine Mittwoch, 17.01.2018,
16.00 s.t.
Heidi Seibold
(Universität Zürich)
Gaussian Process Emulation of Computer Models with Massive Output Mittwoch, 31.01.2018,
16.00 s.t.
Jim Berger
Duke University, USA
Cost Risk Analysis: Dynamically Consistent Decision-Making under Climate Targets Montag, 19.02.2018,
16.30 s.t.
Hermann Held
Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Uni Hamburg und vom Postdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung

Programm im Sommersemester 2017:

The R package "hmi" - a convenient tool for imputing missing values in hierarchical datasets Mittwoch, 19.04.2017,
16.00 s.t.                                   
Matthias Speidel
(Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg)
An introduction to boosting distributional regression Mittwoch, 10.05.2017,
16.30 s.t.
Andreas Mayr
(Vetretungsprofessur Institut für Statistik, LMU)
Joint Modelling of Longitundinal and Time-to-Event Data - From classical approaches to machine learning Mittwoch, 31.05.2017,
16.00 s.t.
Elisabeth Waldmann
(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Robust Bayesian Analysis of Linear Static Panel Data Models Using Epsilon-contamination Mittwoch, 28.06.2017,
16.00 s.t.
Anoop Chaturvedi
(University of Allahabad, India)

Programm im Wintersemester 2016/17:

Fusion Learning: Fusing Inferences from Multiple Sources for More Powerful Findings  Mittwoch, 23.11.2016,
16.00 s.t.                        
Regina Liu,
Rutgers University (NJ, USA)
Selective Inference with Application to L2-Boosting  Mittwoch, 30.11.2016,
16.30 s.t.
David Rügamer,
LMU München
Understanding Biological Processes using Stochastic Modelling: Gaining Information from Uncertainty  Mittwoch, 07.12.2016,
16.00 s.t.
Christiane Fuchs,
LMU München
Assessing and Explaining Strategic Voting with Survey Data: A Finite Mixture Discrete Choice Model  Mittwoch, 21.12.2016,
16.00 s.t.
Martin Elff,
Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen
(Bayesian) Regression for Big Data using Random Projections Mittwoch, 11.01.2017,
16.00 s.t.
Katja Ickstadt/Leo Geppert,
TU Dortmund
Step-Stress Models Mittwoch, 18.01.2017,
16.00 s.t.
Maria Kateri,
RWTH Aachen
Surfaces, shapes and anatomy  Mittwoch, 25.01.2017,
16.00 s.t.
Adrian Bowman
University of Glasgow
Selection of Effects in Cox Frailty Models by Regularization Methods  Mittwoch, 01.02.2017,
Schellingstr. 3, S 006
Andreas Groll
Universität Göttingen

Programm im Sommersemester 2016:

Habilitation Antrittsvortrag zum Thema A General Framework for Regression with Functional Data, with Applications           Mittwoch, 20.04.2016,
17.00 Uhr s.t.                         
Fabian Scheipl
(Institut für Statistik)                              
Statistical methods for the meta-analysis of full ROC curves  Mittwoch, 04.05.2016,
16.00 Uhr s.t.                                                 
Oliver Kuß
(Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
Consistent Estimation of Curved Exponential-Family Random Graph Models with Local Dependence and Growing Neighborhoods  Mittwoch, 18.05.2016,
16.00 Uhr s.t.
Michael Schweinberger,
Rice University (USA)
Structural Equation Modeling with Onyx  Mittwoch, 25.05.2016,
16.00 Uhr s.t.
Timo von Oertzen,
(Universität der Bundeswehr München)
A new method for estimating spectral clustering change points for multivariate time series  Mittwoch, 08.06.2016,
16.00 Uhr s.t.
Ivor Cribben
(University of Alberta)
Who’s the Favorite? - A Bivariate Poisson Model for the UEFA European Football Championship 2016  Mittwoch, 15.06.2016,
16.00 Uhr s.t.
Andreas Groll und Gunther Schauberger
Robust and nonparametric detection of change-points in time series using U-statistics and U-quantiles  Mittwoch, 29.06.2016,
16.00 Uhr s.t.
Roland Fried
(TU Dortmund)
Evading the curse of dimensionality in nonparametric density estimation with simplified vine copulas  Mittwoch, 06.07.2016,
17.00 Uhr s.t.
Thomas Nagler,
What’s the evidence? On P-values and Bayes factors  Mittwoch, 20.07.2016,
16.00 Uhr s.t.
Leonhard Held,
University of Zurich (Schweiz)