Institut für Statistik




Application for the Master Statistics and Data Science

Master Statistics and Data Science

The application for the Master Statistics and Data Science program is possible via the following links (portal opens on March 1st for Winter Semester/September 1st for Summer Semester):

Time line

Winter SemesterSummer Semester
Application portal opens March 1st September 1st
Strict application deadline May 15th November 15th
Result of first stage, test will be sent End of May End of November
Deadline for uploading test solutions Mid-June Mid-December
Selection interviews Early-July Early-January
Application deadline at LMU International Office for non-German students who passed the selection process July 15th January 15th
Official start of the semester October 1st April 1st
Start of courses Monday mid-October Monday mid-April

Applicants who neither have German citizenship nor are considered as "Bildungsinländer" must additionally submit an application for admission to studies to the LMU International Office. Acceptance from the international office does not imply acceptance to the program. 

Selection process

This is a non-binding outline. Only the text of the „Satzung über das Eignungsverfahren für den Masterstudiengang Statistics and Data Science an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München“ is valid.

Basic requirements

  • Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) in Statistics or Data Science as a major, minor, or focus.
  • At least 150 ECTS (equal to 5 semesters) must be proven by the time of application, final degree can be submitted later.
  • English proficiency B2 (or English degree).

Selection Process – First stage

The application will be assessd by grade in the previous studies (up to 5 points) and knowledge in three areas:

  • Methods of statistical learning and modeling (up to 6 points), e.g. statistical inference, linear and generalized models, statistical and machine learning, introductory courses do not count 
  • Mathematical foundations of statistics (up to 5 points), e.g. probability theory, calculus of matrices, analysis, numerics
  • Statistical software and statistical programming (up to 4 points), e.g. R, python, practical experience
18-20 Direct admission
10-17 Second stage
0-9 No suitability

Applicants without the necessary prerequisites can (for example) apply for the Bachelor Statistics and Data Science to acquire missing knowledge.


  • If you are eligible for the second stage, we will send you a written test. 
  • You have two weeks to upload the solutions. 
  • If the test is passed, you will be invited to an selection interview.

Selection interview

  • The interview will take 15 minutes
  • Knowledge in the three areas will be discussed


Enrollment in the Master's programs at the Institute of Statistics is only possible if you are directly admitted by the selection comitee.


If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact Lea Höhler (