Recommended Literature
All master students are required to have knowledge in three areas:
- Methods of statistical learning and modelling
- Mathematical foundations of statistics
- Statistical software and statistical programming
A more detailed list of the relevant topics is provided below. Students and applicants who have gaps in any of the three areas can use the recommended literature to fill these gaps.
Content and Literature
Methods of statistical learning and modelling
- Statistical modelling: simple and multiple linear regression, binary and Poisson regression, forecasting, hypothesis testing, model selection
- Inference: point and interval estimators, maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation, principles of statistical testing, testing based on ML estimators, important tests
- Principles of machine learning: supervised and unsupervised learning, classification, risk minimization, regularization, evaluation, trees, forests, other important methods
- G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani. An Introduction to Statistical Learning. MIT Press, 2010.
- Held, L, Sabanés Bové, D.: Likelihood and Bayesian Inference. Springer 2020, Chapters 1-7.
- Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, Th., Lang, S., Marx, B.D.: Regression. Springer 2021, Chapters 1-4
- Bischl, B. et al.: Introduction to Machine Learning (I2ML). (especially Chapter 1-10)
- Wasserman, L.: All of Statistics. Springer 2004, Chapters 1-11, 13, 14, 20, 21
Mathematical foundations of statistics
- Fundamentals of probability theory: Kolmogorov's axioms, random variables, definition of discrete and continuous distributions, joint and marginal distributions, covariance and correlation, concepts of convergence, laws of large numbers, central limit theorem
- Matrix calculus: determinants, eigenvalues, quadratic form, spectral decomposition, Cholesky decomposition
- Analysis: differentiation, mathematical optimization, integration in R and Rn, Taylor series and Taylor approximation
- Grimmett, G., Stirzaker D.: Probability and Random Processes. Oxford University Press, 2020, Chapters 1-4 and 7.1-7.4
- Lang, S.: Matrixalgebra., Chapters 1–9
- Philip, P.: Calculus II for Statistics Students.
- Deisenroth, M.P., Faisal, A.A., Ong, C.S.: Mathematics for Machine Learning., 2020, Chapters 1-6
Statistical software and statistical programming
- Basics of statistical programming
- Proficiency in a statistical programming language
- Wickham, H., Grolemund, G.: R for Data Science.
- Bischl, B. et al.: Programming in R - What We Expect You to Know.