Dissertationen am Institut für Statistik
Übersicht aller Dissertationen der Fakultät 16 für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik der vergangenen zehn Jahre, die als Online-Publikationen der LMU erhältlich sind.
2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018
- Contributions to reasoning on imprecise data: imprecise classification trees, generalized linear regression on microaggregated data and imprecise imputation (Paul Fink)
edoc - Some contributions to decision making in complex information settings with imprecise probabilities and incomplete preferences: theoretical and algorithmic results (Christoph Jansen)
edoc - Statistical modelling of categorical data under ontic and epistemic imprecision: contributions to power set based analyses, cautious likelihood inference and (non-)testability of coarsening mechanisms (Julia Plaß)
edoc - Estimation, model choice and subsequent inference: methods for additive and functional regression models (David Rügamer)
edoc - Imputation for hierarchical datasets and responses in intervals (Matthias Speidel)
edoc - Flexible modeling of time-to-event data and exposure-lag-response associations (Andreas Bender)
edoc - Dynamic risk management of multi-asset portfolios (Christian Groll)
edoc - Dependence modeling with applications in financial econometrics (Malte Simon Kurz)
- Statistical methods for data with different dimensions: multivariate functional PCA and scalar-on-image regression (Clara Maria Happ)
edoc - Flexible Bayesian joint models for longitudinal biomarkers and time-to-event outcomes with applications to type 1 diabetes research (Meike Köhler)
edoc - Entwicklung eines hybriden Stresstests für Wertpapierportfolios (Andreas Ritter)
edoc - Bayesian inference for structured additive regression models for large-scale problems with applications to medical imaging (Paul Schmidt)
edoc - Reliable statistical modeling of weakly structured information: contributions to partial identification, stochastic partial ordering and imprecise probabilities (Georg Schollmeyer)
edoc - Functional Data Analysis Methods for the Evaluation of Sensor Signals (Karen Fuchs)
edoc - Estimation of latent familial risks for colorectal cancer (Anna Rieger)
edoc - Application of modern statistical methods in worldwide health insurance (Andreas Bayerstadler)
edoc - Functional Linear Mixed Models for Complex Correlation Structures and General Sampling Grids (Jona Cederbaum)
- Resampling Approaches in Biometrical Applications: Developments in Random Forests and in Bootstrap-based Procedures (Silke Janitza)
edoc - Advances in Count Time Series Monitoring for Public Health Surveillance (Maëlle Salmon)
edoc - Extensions of Exponential Random Graph Models for Network Data Analysis (Stephanie Thiemichen)
edoc - Exposure Modeling and Exposure Measurement Error Correction in Health Outcome Models with Longitudinal Data Structure: Exposure to Particulate Matter (Veronika Deffner)
edoc - On the Detection of Latent Structures in Categorical Data (Moritz Berger)
edoc - Boosting Functional Regression Models (Sarah Brockhaus)
edoc - Efficient statistical analysis of video and image data (Ludwig Bothmann)
edoc - Preparation of high-dimensional biomedical data with a focus on prediction and error estimation (Roman Hornung)
edoc - Ökologische Inferenz und hybride Modelle, Schätzung der Wählerwanderung in Mehrparteiensystemen (André Klima)
- Modeling the dynamics of large conditional heteroskedastic covariance matrices (Naeem Ahmed)
edoc - Regularization methods for item response and paired comparison models (Gunther Schauberger) edoc
- Estimation and model selection for dynamic biomedical images (Martina Feilke)
edoc - Econometric Modeling of Ultra-High Frequency Volatility Interactions (Andreas Fuest)
- Global Tests of Association for Multivariate Ordinal Data (Monika Jelizarow)
edoc - Advances in applied nonlinear time series modeling (Muhammad Yousaf Khan)
edoc - Conditional Transformation Models - Interpretable Parametrisations and Censoring (Lisa Möst)
Verlag | edoc - Penalized Regression for Discrete Structures (Margret-Ruth Oelker)
edoc - Extensions of Semiparametric Expectile Regression (Linda Schulze Waltrup)
edoc - A copula-based approach to model serial dependence in financial time series (Fabian Spanhel)
- Bayesian Inference for Infectious Disease Transmission Models based on Ordinary Differential Equations (Felix Weidemann)
- Wrapper Algorithms and their Performance Assessment on High‐dimensional Molecular Data (Christoph Bernau)
edoc - Multivariate GARCH and Dynamic Copula Models for Financial Time Series ‐ With an Application to Emerging Markets (Martin Grziska)
edoc - The Analysis of Competing Risks Data with a Focus on Estimation of Cause‐Specific and Subdistribution Hazard Ratios from a Mixture Model (Bernhard Haller)
edoc - Recent Methods from Statistics and Machine Learning for Credit Scoring (Anne Kraus)
Verlag | edoc - Regularization in Discrete Survival Models (Stephanie Möst)
Verlag | edoc - Automatic approaches for microscopy imaging based on machine learning and spatial statistics (Ramin Norousi)
edoc - Flexible Distributed Lag Models and their Application to Geophysical Data (Viola Obermeier)
edoc - Evaluating the Quality of Interviewer Observed Paradata for Nonresponse Applicatons (Jennifer Sinibaldi)
- Clustering in linear and additive mixed models (Felix Heinzl)
Verlag | edoc - Techniques for Asking Sensititve Questions in Labor Market Surveys (Antje Kirchner)
Verlag | edoc - Bayesian Regularization in Regression Models for Survival Data (Susanne Konrath)
edoc - Model-based recursive partitioning meets item response theory: new statistical methods for the detection of differential item functioning and appropriate anchor selection (Julia Kopf)
Verlag | edoc - Determining high‐risk zones by using spatial point process methodology (Monia Mahling)
Verlag | edoc - Advances in Boosting of Temporal and Spatial Models (Nikolay Robinzonov)
Verlag | edoc - Nonresponse in Business Tendency Surveys: Theoretical Discourse and Empirical Evidence (Christian Seiler)
edoc - Regularized estimation and model selection in compartment models (Julia Sommer)
Verlag | edoc - Generalized Bayesian Inference under Prior-Data Conflict (Gero Walter)
edoc - Regression analysis with imprecise data (Andrea Wiencierz)
Verlag | edoc
- Structured additive quantile regression with applications to modelling undernutrition and obesity of children (Nora Fenske)
Verlag | edoc - Analysis of missing data with random forests (Alexander Hapfelmeier)
edoc - On the behavior of multiple comparison procedures in complex parametric designs (Esther Herberich)
Verlag | edoc - Biostatistical modeling and analysis of combined fMRI and EEG measurements (Stefanie Kalus)
Verlag | edoc - Cluster analysis of the signal curves in perfusion DCE-MRI datasets (Mojgan Mohajer)
edoc - Nonparametric estimation of the jump component in financial time series (Serkan Yener)
- Benchmark Experiments - A Tool for Analyzing Statistical Learning Algorithms (Manuel Eugster)
Verlag | edoc - Feature Extraction in Regression and Classification with Structured Predictors (Jan Gertheiss)
Verlag - Variable selection by regularization methods for generalized mixed models (Andreas Groll)
Verlag - Boosting in structured additive models (Benjamin Hofner)
Verlag | edoc - Biclustering: Methods, Software and Application (Sebastian Kaiser)
Verlag | edoc - Regularization approaches for generalized linear models and single index models (Sebastian Petry)
Verlag | edoc - Bayesian Regularization and Model Choice in Structured Additive Regression (Fabian Scheipl)
Verlag | edoc - Risk management beyond correlation (Tina Yener)
edoc - Regularization and Variable Selection in Categorical Regression Analyses (Faisal Zahid)
- Bayesian Inference for Diffusion Processes with Applications in Life Sciences (Christiane Dargatz)
edoc - Discriminant Analysis for Longitudinal Data with Application in Medical Diagnostics (Mareike Kohlmann)
edoc - An Integrated System for Market Risk, Credit Risk and Portfolio Optimization Based on Heavy-Tailed Models and Downside Risk Measures (Borjana Racheva-Iototva)
edoc - Selektieren und Kombinieren von Modellen unter Berücksichtigung der Problematik fehlender Daten (Michael Schomaker)
Verlag - Variable Selection in Generalized Linear Models (Jan Ulbricht)
- Data-Based Decisions under Complex Uncertainty (Robert Hable)
edoc - Selected statistical issues in the analysis of genome-wide association studies using qualitative and quantitative phenotypes (Darina Roeske)
- Parallel Computing for Biological Data (Markus Schmidberger)
edoc - Verteilungsbasierte kausale Inferenzmodelle zur Schätzung von Therapieffekten in randomisierten kontrollierten klinischen Studien (Tibor Schuster)
edoc - Sequential Dimension Reduction and Prediction Methods with High-dimensional Microarray Data (Waheed Babatunde Yahya)
- Non-Standard Problems in Inference for Additive and Linear Mixed Models (Sonja Greven)
Verlag - Alpha-stable Random Vectors with Time Varying Spectral Measure and Applications to Financial Time Series Analysis (Christoph Hartz)
Verlag - Boosting in Nonparametric Regression: Constrained and Unconstrained Modeling Approaches (Florian Leitenstorfer)
Verlag - Erzeugung von positiv definiten Matrizen mit Nebenbedingungen zur Validierung von Netzwerkalgorithmen für Microarray-Daten (Markus Ruschhaupt)
edoc - Statistical Issues in Machine Learning: Towards Reliable Split Selection and Variable Importance Measures (Carolin Strobl)
Verlag | edoc
- Statistical Analysis of Heaping and Rounding Effects (Amar Sabri Ahmad)
Verlag - Model Selection in Generalised Structured Additive Regression Models (Christiane Belitz)
Verlag | edoc - Time-varying coefficient models and measurement error (Susanne Breitner)
edoc - Statistical Diffusion Tensor Imaging: From Data Quality to Fiber Tracking. (Susanne Heim)
Verlag | edoc - Statistical Models for Infectious Disease Surveillance Counts (Mathias Hofmann)
Verlag | edoc - Survival Analysis with Multivariate adaptive Regression Splines (Monika Kriner)
edoc - Estimation of Continuous-Time Financial Models Using High-Frequency Data (Christian Pigorsch)
edoc - Grenzen der Quantifizierung operationeller Risiken (Christof Reese)
- Modelling extreme wind speeds (Tilman Payer)
edoc - Mixed Models based on Likelihood Boosting (Florian Reithinger)
edoc - Correction for covariate measurement error in nonparametric regression (David Rummel)
Verlag | edoc - Estimation of a Linear Regression with Microaggregated Data (Matthias Schmid)